
Aravind Poshnath


Institution/Organisation: The University of Melbourne
Position: Research Scholar
Biographical Information: Being a PhD student at the Dept. of Infrastructure Engineering at the University of Melbourne, my research primarily focuses on the introduction and formulation of the 'Energy Entitlement' concept which aims to unlock the barriers to adoption of the Renewable Energy Systems installed in the common properties of Multi-owned buildings. A holistic approach from various dimensions such as the policy, social, technical and economical perspectives are adopted to frame the concept. I also belong to the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency group and the Centre for Spatial Data Infrastructure and Land Administration research groups to make the research industry-ready. Please feel free to email me to know more about the research or potential collaborations!


Authored/ Co-authored Research

Title: Adoption of Renewable Energy Systems in common properties of multi-owned buildings: Introduction of ‘Energy Entitlement’

Published: Energy Policy

This paper has been peer reviewed

Author/Co-authors: Aravind Poshnath, Dr Behzad Rismanchi, Prof. Abbas Rajabifard

Keywords: By-laws/rules/CC&Rs, Community, Home ownership, Policy, Sustainability,

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The multiple ownership of the Renewable Energy Systems (RES) in common properties of Multi-owned buildings (MOBs) develops energy and benefit allocation concerns. The research poses the ‘Energy Entitlement’ of apartment owners as a critical research concept to promote the adoption of RES in MOBs. We scrutinise the factors influencing the adoption of RES in MOBs and the existing energy allocation frameworks proposed in the literature while emphasising the necessity of ‘Energy Entitlement’ that calls for an equitable delineation of energy ownership integrated with land administration principles.